This episode, which aired on February 14, 2010, is now available on iTunes!
Kicking off Episode 307 is an update from the Radio Rounds Haiti correspondent, Dr. Evan Lyon from Partners in Health (PIH). Dr. Lyon has been a volunteer physician with Partners in Health / Zanmi Lasante for over a decade, spending much of his time at clinics in Haiti. He was part of PIH’s initial efforts to respond to the earthquake on January 12, 2010, and appeared on Episode 303 while he was en route to Port-au-Prince. Now back in the United States, Dr. Lyon shares with the ‘Rounds’ team what he saw and experienced, while also offering his thoughts on the future of the relief efforts. Dr. Lyon eloquently conveys the images from Haiti that both haunt and motivate him.
Also featured in this episode is a powerful bedside interview with a patient at the Haslinger Family Pediatric Palliative Care Center at Akron Children’s Hospital in Akron, Ohio. We hear from Casey — a 13 year old boy who experienced back pain one day at school, visited the ER that evening, and was never able to walk out of the hospital after an apparent spinal cord injury resulted in paralysis. Nevertheless, Casey remains strong, showing perspective well beyond his years, and in this incredible segment, he and his mother choose to focus on all things positive. We learn that Casey is becoming a star sled hockey player (listen to the podcast if you want to know what sled hockey is!), and as he said himself, “Life’s not going to stop for you.”
Finally, in this episode’s residency segment, we hear from Dr. Lenny Feldman and Dr. Rosalyn Stewart, Co-Directors of the Internal Medicine/Pediatrics residency program at Johns Hopkins University.