Confronting the Silent Suffering – Medical Student Depression and Burnout

This episode aired on March 6, 2011 and is now available as a free download on our iTunes page!

In this episode, our crew discusses the importance of mental health among medical students and the staggering rates of depression and suicide found throughout the medical profession.

Featured Guests: Dr. Thomas Schwenk, Dean of the University of Nevada School of Medicine and Dr. Lisa Dyrbye, from the Department of Internal Medicine at Mayo Clinic.

Recently, each physician led and published research studies focusing on the important topic of depression, burnout and suicide in the medical profession.  They discuss, among other topics, the stresses and academic requirements of medical students which can potentially set the stage for the development of mental health issues, hidden behind the profession’s demands of excellence.

Dr. Matthew DiPaola (Radio Rounds Special Correspondent) and hosts Avash Kalra, Lakshman Swamy, and Adam Deardorff approach this complex discussion from their own diverse perspectives, emphasizing their personal experiences with the stresses and requirements of the medical profession as a whole.

To learn more about Dr. Schwenk and Dr. Dyrbye, read their published articles in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)… and check out this recent article published in the New York Times: NY Times website.

Again, remember that, as always, the free-to-download podcast of this episode (and all past episodes) can be found on our iTunes page!

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